Back to School? Quiet Beer Time

Post by Ben 8/22/2024

So, are your kids back in school? You got all the notebooks and pencils and shoes and backpacks? What are you going to do with all that free time (this is a question every parent loves)? Maybe you have a book you want to read, or some emails to send, or just want to stare into the middle distance without feeling like you should go check on why you heard that dragging sound coming from the other room? You deserve a quiet beer and a quiet moment to do something that helps you feel good. These are our favorite places to have a beer in quiet solitude before we jump back into the fray:

Free Range Brewing (NoDa) - Free Range is always fun and delicious, but during the day it is a calm, quiet place to read and have a beer. The patios and wide open range inside help give you comfortable space. You can work on your laptop, but don’t forget that library book, just in case. Open at noon every weekday.

Triple C Brewing (South End) - It’s Friday and you’re in South End and you want lunch and a beer and a nice outdoor space (this plan works even if you have a little one not in school because they have a playground!)? Here you are. This classic Charlotte choice has parking (in South End!) and can feel chill without seeming sleepy. Open at noon on Fridays.

Upstairs at Salud Cerveceria (NoDa) - Food, coffee, good beer, a welcoming atmosphere, and a lot of people getting their work done (laptops for miles) is what this place is all about during the day. You can be like them. It is not that hard. I assume. Open at 11am every weekday (earlier on Fridays).

Petty Thieves Brewing Co. (North End) - This is the place to bring that big book you want to read and really get a chunk in that brain. It’s so chill, the beer is good, and you can find a comfy big chair in the air conditioning or a table on the large patio. Open at noon on Fridays.

Fonta Flora Brewery at Optimist Hall (Optimist Park) - In the lower level on Optimist Hall, you can hang out inside or use the outside area to sit, eat some great lunch and think your thoughts if you have a healthy brain. Open at noon Wednesday - Friday. 

Lost Worlds Brewing (Metropolitan near Uptown) - While adventure themed, you can relax here before grabbing that very important thing you forgot from the Back to School list. Turn your Target run into a beer sit. You’ve got time. Open every weekday at noon.

Fonta Flora Brewery at Optimist Hall

I can’t be the only one who just wants to read for 45 minutes and drink a beer.


So Long Sweet Summer


Take the Grandparents!