Hoppy Holidays 2024

Post by Scott - 11/21/2024

There are few things better in the world than a brewery Santa. While there are many Christmas events out there, this list is specifically for brewery-hosted happenings (except for the Whitewater Center that I had to add). Follow this frequently updated list so you can have yourself a Beery Little Christmas. And Hanukkah! If any brewery is doing Latkes and Lagers, we’ll be there!

All Season Long

  • Ice Skating- Free Range Brewing Camp North End

Take a Free Range beer over to the ice skating rink and enjoy some holiday magic.

If you’re not flying to Germany, this is as close as you’re going to get. Always one of the best Christmas events of the year.

  • November 29 - December 1

  • December 6 - December 8

  • December 13 - December 15

  • December 20 - December 22

  • Christmas Market- Olde Meck Ballantyne

First year of the Ballantyne market. If you haven’t been down to the new Biergarten yet, this is a perfect chance to come check it out.

  • November 29 - December 1

  • December 6 - December 8

  • December 13 - December 15

  • December 20 - December 22

  • Ice Skating and Lights- US National Whitewater Center

I know this isn’t a brewery, but come on! No one is going to get worked up about details when you’re drinking one of your favorite Charlotte beers, ice skating, and checking out the always great light display snaking up, over, and through the woods.

OMB’s Christmas Market, but a little different.

A traditional Christmas activity without heading uptown? Hooray.

Friday, December 20th

Just accept that everything is different and that’s totally fine. So the Sunday morning/early afternoon market is actually going to be Friday night. Ok? Ok. All the booths, all the fun, all the great food and drinks from Trolley Barn, just 36 hours earlier.

Saturday, December 21st

This is so cool! Support young crafters as Free Range hosts a market filled with crafts created by kids 18 and under. When that kid makes it big, you can say that you’ve been supporting them since they were in middle school.

Bring the family for cookies, ugly sweaters, and Christmas movies. Enjoy a cookie and beer pairing for an additional price as we answer the age old question: If Santa could pilot the sleigh while switching out beer for milk, what beer would he pick? He feels like a kolsch kind of guy.

  • Mount Holly Holiday Market- Traust Brewing

Head over to Mount Holly and check out the holiday market around Traust. Buy some last minute gifts and pick up something special for yourself before sipping on some of Traust’s great beers. 

I really should just take my mom to this craft fair and let her put a sticker on everything she wants, then follow behind her and buy it. Add in a family calendar and call it a Christmas. And I could do that all with a great IPA in hand. Ok, why am I not doing this?

Sunday, December 22nd

There’s something about the dichotomy of buying a crocheted Pokemon for my son while drinking a beer that sounds like a harbinger of the apocalypse that delights me. Buy a last minute gift for a friend or loved one while sipping on a One of Us Will Have to Bury the Other. Merry Christmas!

  • Procrastinator’s Market- Lost Worlds Brewing (Cornelius)

First off, December 22nd is barely procrastinating! You still have like, 48 hours to get things done. Easy! Still, it’s a good idea to swing by this market, take a lap of the craft booths, gulp a Euchre blonde ale, and think about what you’re going to get people when you start Christmas shopping tomorrow. Tuesday at the latest.

Christmas at Camp North End is always fun.

Ice skating, Holiday markets and good food and drinks. A wonderland with adequate parking.


Family Spotlight


Board Game Time